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Price of a Kabbalah Life Analysis

Costs of a Kabbalah Life Analysis
A personal analysis with the above scope: 43 €
Additional analysis within families or for friends 39 €
Relationship analysis among 2 people 18 €
Relationship analysis of a person to the name of an object (place, company, product etc.. ) EUR 18 €
By orders from all countries outside Germany additional postage charge.

The Kabbalah Life Analysis can be done in English, France, Portuguese, German, Spanish or Italian and Norwegisch.
At the end of this order, choose the language in which you would like to get the Kabbalah Life Analysis.

Scope of the Kabbalah Life Analysis
Your Kabbalah Life Analysis will be bound in an attractive layout, neatly done in a transparent cover.
The detailed interpretations and computer drawings are calculated with the Kabbalah Analysis programme of Hermann Schweyer.

The analysis consists in particular:
  • A coloured title page with introductory explanations, the energy picture and the Tree of Life as an outline.
  • General descriptions for the comprehension of the individual chapters.
  • Your personal coloured energy picture with your life energies, the corresponding learning tasks and the body parts in which your mistakes manifest themselves.
  • The colour-printed Kabbalah Tree of Life with your personal life journeys.
  • Your character traits and your cosmic events.
  • The decoded meaning of your name.
  • All calculated values are described in detail in the respective texts.
  • Altogether, it is an approximately 40-paged manuscript which exactly describes your life tasks, your energy flows and learning tasks in all connections.